
Changing password on Linux

If You set password only once during the installation and later on decided to change your password it can be confusing. What you have to know is during installation it sets the same password for your user and for root.

For example you enter the same password when you install some thing as root:

$ sudo apt-get install audacious         

and  when connecting to your machine via ssh as user:

$ ssh user@

If you want to keep it that way with new password, you have to change it for both user and root:

$ sudo passwd
$ passwd

If you wondering what is a good password , check this link:


After playing with this site a come to conclusion that it can be two types of good passwords:

  • relativity short password (9 characters) containing combination of  lower case letters, capital letters,  numbers and symbols. What could be harder to remember.
  • longer password (18 characters) containing only lower case Latin letters, but in this case You can use sentence in foreign language. It can be much easier to remember. Perhaps you can use a bit longer sentence in English as well.    


Linux Mint 17 on Laptop Acer Aspire-E5-571G PART3

Automatic brightness control very very annoying, it dims down almost random, so you have to set it couple times...

To disable improper automatic brightness control, uncheck this:

To control brightness manually from 0% to 100% , install xbacklight

$ sudo apt-get install xbacklight

Don't know how to overwrite functional keys for brightness, so I made two new shortcuts for brightness control, with commands:

$ xbacklight -inc 5
$ xbacklight -dec 5

For non 60 fps videos, mplayer works pretty well with this config:

$ cat ~/.mplayer/config
# Write your default config options here!
